Hotpoint Freestanding Under Counter Fridge – 134L

The Hotpoint Freestanding Under Counter Fridge is a compact and efficient appliance with a 134L capacity and a width of 54cm. It features adjustable shelves, a salad crisper drawer, and door balconies for organized storage.


The Hotpoint Freestanding Under Counter Fridge is a compact and efficient appliance with a capacity of 134L, providing plenty of storage space for your groceries. With a width of 54cm, it can easily fit into any kitchen layout. The fridge features adjustable shelves, a salad crisper drawer, and door balconies for organized storage. It also includes an interior light for easy visibility. The appliance is energy efficient with an A+ rating, helping you save on electricity bills. Its sleek design and white finish make it a stylish addition to any kitchen decor. This fridge is perfect for small households or as an extra storage solution.


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Hotpoint Freestanding Under Counter Fridge, 134L, 54cm wide
Hotpoint Freestanding Under Counter Fridge – 134L