Absolutely love a fridge that keeps food fresh, but who wants a mysterious puddle greeting them in the kitchen? Don’t worry, it’s not a plumbing disaster! That’s just a clever trick your fridge freezer uses to stay cool and keep your food happy.
Think of it like this: your fridge works hard to keep things frosty (literally!), but it doesn’t want to become an ice palace itself. So, behind the scenes, it goes through mini temperature thaws to prevent a build-up of frost. During these sneaky defrost cycles, a little ice melts, creating condensation – kind of like when your windows steam up on a chilly morning.
That’s where the genius of the drip tray comes in. This hidden tray sits tucked away under your fridge, catching all that condensation before it can turn into a puddle party on the floor (or a drippy mess down the back of your fridge). A clean and well-maintained drip tray is key to keeping your fridge working smoothly and hygienically.
So, next time you spot a little moisture under your fridge, don’t panic! It’s just your fridge doing its defrosting duty. Just be sure to keep that drip tray clean for happy fridge living!
Removing Your Fridge Freezer Drip Tray Like a Pro

Now that you’re clued in on how important the drip tray is for your fridge’s well-being, it’s time to give it a good clean! But fear not, this isn’t some top-secret operation. With a few simple steps, you’ll be a drip tray cleaning whiz in no time!
Safety First: Power Down and Grab Your Essentials
Safety always comes first when dealing with appliances, so remember to unplug your fridge freezer from the wall before you start. While you’ve got the plug out, grab a towel or a shallow tray to catch any sneaky water droplets that might appear during the drip tray removal process.
Finding Your Fridge Freezer’s Drip Tray
Drip trays can be sneaky little things, cleverly hidden depending on your fridge freezer’s design. Here’s a quick guide to help you locate yours:
- Front and Accessible: Lots of modern fridge freezers have their drip trays tucked away behind a removable kickplate at the bottom front. You might just need a butter knife or a flathead screwdriver to gently pry the kickplate loose.
- Back-Mounted Mystery: Some models might have their drip tray hiding behind the back panel. If this is the case for you, your best bet is to consult your trusty user manual for specific instructions on how to remove the panel safely. Remember, a little caution goes a long way to avoid any accidental bumps and bruises to your fridge!
Removing the Drip Tray
Once you’ve located your drip tray, here’s how to remove it for a sparkling clean:
- Slide it Out: For front-accessible trays, simply slide the tray out towards you. Easy peasy!
- Back Panel Access: If your fridge freezer is a rear-mounted tray champion, carefully remove the back panel following your user manual’s guidance. Once the panel is off, gently remove the drip tray. Be mindful of any latches or clips that might secure it in place.
- Gentle Does It: If the tray seems a little stuck, apply some gentle pressure and wiggle it slightly to loosen its grip. Avoid any harsh pulling or yanking, as you don’t want to damage the tray or its fittings.
With the drip tray safely out, you’re halfway to a fridge that’s happy and hygienically sparkling.
Maintaining Your Fridge Freezer’s Drip Tray
Here’s how to give your drip tray a spa day:
Emptying and Cleaning the Drip Tray
- Empty Out the Evidence: First things first, empty any accumulated water or debris from the tray. You can simply pour it down the sink.
- Warm and Soapy Salvation: For a squeaky clean finish, fill your sink with warm soapy water. A gentle washing-up liquid is perfect for the job. Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive sponges, as these can damage the tray’s surface. Give the drip tray a good soak and scrub, paying attention to any stubborn grime.
The Final Touches Before Putting it Back
- Moisture Makes Mischief: Remember, a damp drip tray is a breeding ground for mould. Before returning it to its rightful place, ensure it’s completely dry. Use a clean tea towel to thoroughly dry the tray by hand, or leave it to air dry completely on a draining board.
Top Tip: For an extra layer of freshness, you can dilute a splash of white vinegar with water and wipe down the inside of your fridge where the drip tray sits. This will help to neutralise any lingering odours.
With your drip tray clean and dry, it’s ready to be slotted back into place, ready to tackle condensation build-up and keep your fridge happy and healthy. But how often should you be giving your drip tray this TLC? And what if your fridge seems to be missing a drip tray altogether? Don’t worry, we’ve got all the answers in the FAQ section below.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What if I Can’t Remove My Drip Tray?
If your drip tray seems stubbornly stuck or you can’t locate it at all, there’s a chance your fridge freezer might have a self-evaporating defrost system. These clever models don’t require a drip tray, as any condensation is automatically channelled through a tube and evaporated outside the appliance.
Here’s how to find out for sure:
- Check your user manual: Your trusty manual holds the key! It will explain your fridge freezer’s specific defrosting system and any drip tray removal instructions.
- Consult the manufacturer: If you’re still unsure, the manufacturer’s customer service team are there to help. They’ll be able to advise you on your specific model and answer any questions you might have.
2. How Often Should I Clean My Fridge Freezer Drip Tray?
For optimal fridge performance, we recommend giving your drip tray a good clean every 3-6 months. However, if you notice a build-up of moisture or unpleasant odours more frequently, don’t hesitate to clean it sooner.
3. My Fridge Doesn’t Seem to Have a Drip Tray! Is This Normal?
As mentioned earlier, some modern fridge freezers utilise self-evaporating defrost systems. These eliminate the need for a drip tray altogether. If you can’t find a drip tray and your fridge manual confirms a self-evaporating system, then you’re all good!
Top Tip: Regularly wiping down the inside back panel of your fridge (where the condensation would usually collect) can help prevent moisture build-up in models with self-evaporating systems.
So there you have it! With a little know-how and some routine cleaning, you can ensure your fridge freezer’s drip tray keeps your appliance happy and healthy for years to come.